The WPCA has had a busy few days starting with the Laying Up Supper last Friday. which was held at The Avenue Restaurant in Weymouth College. Members enjoyed an excellent three course meal cooked and served by the students before President, Sara Lloyd, said a few words thanking the College and member, Tess Reid, for organising the evening. With an improvement in the weather at the weekend three boats ventured out of the Harbour tempted by the sunny conditions. However with an easterly wind it was less pleasant than it appeared and one boat quickly turned back. On Tuesday, John Atkinson, the Local Liaison Officer from Portland Bill National Coastwatch Institute gave an informative and interesting talk at Castle Cove Sailing Club. John explained the role of the NCI and gave some examples of incidents in which the Portland Bill stationed gave assistance. There were several questions afterwards which John happily answered.
Next week Bonny Sartin, a past member of the Yetties folk group, will be visiting the Club to give his talk on smuggling in Dorset and Hampshire. His presentation will be illustrated by quotes from the day, songs and poems and it is sure to be entertaining evening. The bar will be open at 7.30 p.m. and the talk will start at 8.00 p.m and all local sailors are welcome to attend.
