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Dorset Echo 30 March

Last Tuesday Weymouth and Portland Cruising Association held their Annual General Meeting at Castle Cove Sailing Club followed by a buffet supper. During the meeting Sara Lloyd was voted in as President for a further year and three new Officers were voted in following the retirement of Treasurer, Martyn Simmons, Secretary, Jane Atkinson and Membership Secretary, Peter Anderson although Peter will continue as webmaster unless a volunteer steps forward. Nick Critchell was voted in as Treasurer, Rikk Butler as Secretary and Liz Hemsley as Membership Secretary. The remaining Officers and Committee members will serve another year.

During the meeting Sara Lloyd presented Martyn Simmons with an engraved tankard to mark his many years on the Club Committee and other Club trophies were also presented to Peter Anderson, for services to the Committee, Chris and Mike Hill, for early achievement and Chris and Tess Reid for the best log and cruise.

Next Tuesday will be the first day sail of the year and members with boats in the water are encouraged to join Cruising Officer, Chris Reid, for a sail to Lulworth Cove. In the evening the annual Boat Jumble will be held at Castle Cove Sailing Club which is a great opportunity to find that all important must have piece of kit while enjoying a social evening with other local sailors.



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